Saturday, January 4, 2025

01/04/25 GO YE (yes, you)

01/04/25 GO YE (yes, you)


At the beginning of the week I heard someone at my front door. When I opened the door, the visitor looked like he could have been an LDS door knocker, but he was by himself.

Actually he was selling internet connections to a new service in our areas. Since I let Martha take care of our monthly obligations, I was not going to make a decision without her input. But I also knew that we probably could not afford to make a change in services anyway. If he had been selling trips around the world for $25, I could not have afforded to get out of town.

When he was about to leave I told him one more thing.

I pointed out that I had no reason to doubt the value of his product or doubt his sincerity. Then I told him that what he had to offer sounded lie an opportunity, but I also had something that I offer people, and what I offer people is essential.

He asked what it was.

I told him that I offer a right relationship with God, through the death and resurrection of Jesus. I told him that believing in Christ is essential because Jesus said that He is The Way, The Truth and The Life, and no man comes to the Father, but by Himself (Jesus),

He had a stunned look on his face, so I asked him if he believed he has ever sinned.

He said, "yes."

I asked him if he believed in God.

He said, "yes."

He still had a distant, but polite look on his face. I pointed out that there is only one Savior and we need to give our lives to Jesus.

Eventually he told me that he knew what I was talking about because he did two years of missionary work.

Aha... I was right. He was a Mormon.

I asked him if he was a Mormon and he said, "yes."

I then asked him if he believes there is only one God. I did not ask him if he believes in one God. There is a great difference in these two questions.

He said that he believes there is only one God.

I knew that was not the right answer, so I gave him another chance to answer correctly.

Again, he said, "yes."

I pointed out that I know what he really believes, therefor take time and answer carefully, with the right answer.

He said he believes there is only one God.

I said, "No, you believe in many gods." Then I said, you believe that God the Father was once a man, as we are men, and you believe that God became a god.

I went on to say, "you also believe that men today, if they believe and follow the faith of LDS, then those men will become gods, just as God the Father became a God.

I asked him if that was what he actually believes.

He said, "yes." He went on to say that he was saying he only believed in one God.

I pointed out that I asked specifically if he believes there IS ONLY ON GOD, to which he constantly said, "yes."

We talked a little longer and he said he needed to get back to making house calls, but he said he enjoyed our talk, and would like to continue it later (he actually said, "Sunday."

I told him I had enjoyed talking with him also, and I would love for him to come back to talk, but he needed to contact me ahead of time, to make sure I would be available. I gave him my phone number. But I also told him I doubted that he would come back to talk. I told him that Mormons have told me before that they would come back, but they never did. I also told him that I have talked to Mormons years ago, and when they realized who I was, they told me that they had been told by their leadership not to talk with me or visit people from my congregation.

I pointed out that since belief in the Jesus of the Bible is essential to eternal life, then it is essential for them to find out about the Jesus of the Bible.

He was a nice young man. Pray for him. Also pray for other Christians he will meet. Pray that they will tell him the good news, when they meet him.

By the way, when he left my house, he went next door to brother Wades house, and brother Wade also witnessed to him.

On another occasion he also visited sister Robins house and they got into the same conversation. Here is sister Robins own account.
"I met this young man yesterday afternoon as he was in my neighborhood selling his internet service. When we got to the place where he asked my email address, I told him what it was and he said, "What does that mean?" So I told him that it meant that I belonged to Jesus. He asked me what church I go to, so I told him. His eyes lit up and he told me that He had met you and Brother Wade. We talked about that for a bit, how long I had known you and that God led us to this area. He said that we were the only Christians that had shared our faith with him. He was quite moved. I did not know that he was a Mormon, until you shared this post. I know that our lives have made an impression on him. I hope he comes back to talk with you more!" 

Romans 10:14-15
14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

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